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Posted by : 7r3m0r Sunday, 3 July 2011

Loly Koladiadara        ………………………………….. as Isabella
Agustin Aryani           ………………………………….. as Mother
Peri Sapari                   ………………………………….. as Edward
Miladunka                   ………………………………….. as Alice
Selvia Reni                  ………………………………….. as Herself
Budi Komarudin         ………………………………….. as Pipih
Mega Silvanti              ………………………………….. as Kanjeng Mamih
Dede Wahyudin          ………………………………….. as J.Co
Djaka Ridwan Espy    ………………………………….. as Himself
Regina Juni A. Putri    ………………………………….. as Herself
Aditya Permana P       ………………………………….. as Himself

Isabella                          : Kind and gentle
Isabella                          : Kind and gentle
Edward                          : Cool,brave and strong
Alice                              : Can read the future and patient
Selvia                            : Evil and vicious ,stubborn
Pipih                              : Good and wise
Kanjeng Mamih            : Good , wise and spiit fire
J.Co                               : Stubborn and tough – minded good
Djaca                             : Taciturn
Regina                           : Evil and vicious
Adit                               : Taciturn and arrogant

Time                : At present
Main setting    : At school
Sub setting      :
  At Edward’s home
  In the forest

Expressions         :
Isabella is a student of a university in Ciendog street punk . Then there is one member from genk Suzuki Smash , named Edward. He sees a pretty girl who passes in front of him she is Isabella . Edward is attracted in Isabella , but he realizes that he is a descendant of the blood suckers PUNKVIER family.
Interesting conflicts occures between difficult two choices : Edward fellings for Isabella and the prensence of human wolf J.Co which is very different from Edward who is a descendant of PUNKVIER . Would the love of Edward and Isabella unite ?

Today Bella starts her morning activities as usual , nothing special in her thoughts . Bella is a new sorority in campus , but she does not feel strange it’s just her mind can’t escape from the figure of a man who sits on the table in the classroom . Until finally the man approaches calmly . In fact Edward comes and refrains himself because he smells fresh blood in Bella .
Edward           : “Hi, I’m Edward.You are new student here ?”
Bella                : “Hi, I’m Bella.Yes I’m a new student of music department,and you ?”
Edward           : “Really ? I’m also in the same faculty too as you. Hmmm, it is time    for the lecture . “
The Introductions Edward want to know in Isabella thurther. Isabella also feels the same.Until finally they go home leaving the campus , but she can’t get rid of the feeling. When she gets home , Isabella amuses herself by talking with J.Co and her mother .


Mother                        : “How was your campus, Bella ? Fun ?
Bella                   : “Yes, as usual. Nothing special except ……”
Mother                        : ‘Except ? What ?”
Bella                   : “Nothing ! Maybe better if I just tell J.Co.”
Mother                        : “Okay I understand. Ok, now I wil go to Jatos to buy new clothes. Don’t go anywhere ! I will not be long, 1 pm I’ll be at home, okay ? Bye J.Co bye Bella !”
Bella                   : “ J.Co, I want to tell you about something !”
J.Co                    : “ Yes, what ? How is your new campus ?”
Bella                   : “ Yes , I like my new campus. Hmm, I saw a handsome man, his name is Edward, but I’m confused by his origin. Because he is a little different from the others. He has cold body temperature and red eyes .”
J.Co                    : ” Edward ???! And you know why his eyes are red ? His eyed are irritated ! He is a PUNKVIER. He is the enemy of our family. He never dies, never sleeps, her body movements are very fast and strong. He is predator, he sucks human blood ! You should not be close to him !Trust me !”
Bella                   : “Are you sure ? I don’t belive it ! Ok, forget it I will get to tutoring.”


            Bella go to rush for leave J.Co. She didn’t believe it what J.Co said. But her Journey is interrupted by Edward’s car which suddenly stop in front of the Bella’s car.
Edward           : “Hi, Bella !Do you mind if I invite you visit to my house ?”
Bella                : “No, I don’t mind “.
Edward           : “Ok. Let’s go !”
            When they arrive at Edward’s home, bella is being introduce to father, mother and Edward sister’s.
Kanjeng Mamih  : “Wow !There are beutifule people in this house. Alice, Selvi, Pipih, look who come !”
Alice                   : “ Hmmm fresh blood. Hi, who are you ? I’m Alice !”
Kanjeng Mamih  : “ Yes Bella, she is Alice first Edward’s sister !”
Bella                   : “Hi, I’m Bella, nice to meet you.“
Selvia                  :”She’s a theat to us. Alice, try ask you magic mirror !”
Kanjeng Mamih  : “ Why Selvi, she is a nice girl, and don’t be afraid !”
Selvia                  : “ But mom, she is very dangerous for our family !”
Kanjeng Mamih  : “ Do you have some proof, Selvia ?”
Alice                   : “Stop .. Stop .. Stop .. I want to try asked to magic mirror. Hesyimili hesyimili ! Magic mirror, say with me ! Who she really is ? whether she is dangerous for my family ”(Mirror moves to the left to right, a sign there is no danger ) Safe !”
Selvia                  : “ Are you sure ? seem we must investigate Bella deeper.“
Alice                   : “ Yes, I will investigate Bella deeper !”
Pipih                   : “Well, this girl she looks nice. Let’s serve lunch for bella. we should welcome her well. Alice, Selvi and Adit, keep your attitude !”
Aditya                : “Take it easy, I am able to hold on my self although I admit I can smell of fresh blood. Hhuuaahh mancap ! But I must respect her arrival.”
            Finally Bella realize who Edward reallys. J.Co is true. But her love of Edward’salready too deeply until she became a fool for love. Suddenly J.Co, Djaka and Regina come to Edward’s house.
Alice                   : “ Hi, control your self honey ! she is threat for our.“
Aditya                : “ But I’m tempted with flavor she’s blood.”


J.Co                    : “Now, you believe me, Bella ? who Edward really is ?”
Bella                   : “Yes, I’m sorry J.Co for my fault”.
J.Co                    : “No, problem. But I’m very annoyed !”
Bella                   : “I’m sorry “.
J.Co                    : “Bella, take cover behind me ! He is evil punkvier !”
Edward              : “ Oh, no you don’t. Bella become part of our family now !’
Djaca                  : “Oh, Bella it is none of your business ! Come here if you dare !
Regina                : “it’s true. From the past prove it that you are punkvier I’m impossible to baet us “.
Djaca                  :” Regina ! Do’t too near with them !”
Regina                : “ I’m very annoyed when I look they face which arrogant that “.
Djaca                  : “ Be carefull ! they all dangerous !”
Alice                   : ” Hey, you Regina. Just bequeit already come here, and fight me !” (taking out the mp3 and lit a punk song. Regina was defeated because she hates punk song)
Regina                : “ Geez ..... I couldn’t fight them.”
Djaca                  : “ Okay, I will Response she is for you Regiana  !
Djaca and J.Co   : “ Attack !
Kanjeng Mamih  : “ No .. No .. No .. Wait, we must have strategy for attack them !”
J.Co                    : “What your purpose ?”
Kanjeng Mamih : “ Hmmm, you must to don’t know it !”
J.Co                    : “ Hmm, you crazy girl !”
Pipih                   : “ You not possible beat us !”
Aditya                : “Lets go Pipih, we beat them !”
Pipih                   : “ Lets go we give them responding !”
Selvia                  : ” Mom,we just hide here. We’ll get hurt”.
Kanjeng Mamih : “It’s true, we did not say anything here “.
            Finnaly the battle end with fierce. J.Co and Djaca killed on the spot with
the separate from his legs .
Aditya                         :”Ouch it’s painful !”
Bella                   : “ Edward, thanks for averything. I feel confortable in this family. actually I like you and not want loss you !”
Edwar                 : “ Yes Bella. I Love you too !”
Mother                : “ Just wait for my revenge ! I will not let you daughter ! Wait for my revenge at New Moon !”

MORAL         :
                                    You must respect people without discrimination. Because it is not imposible feat love can happen between two people with different backgrounds, even between different creatures.

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